Friday, February 6, 2009


Things at the Haupt House have been, well, crazy. In a good way though. We are all adjusting to our new addition and we are having a lot of fun. All 3 kiddos are playing soccer so this should make for an interesting season. Jack is doing much better in school- a couple of road blocks but he is catching back up and we are so proud of him. Last week Garrett received the Mystery Student of the week for his class- I was so proud and I just happened to be there when they called his name. They were having their birthday celebration- and it was for Nov, Dec, and Jan. So I went to eat cake and ice cream and help with the party. It was priceless to see his expression when they called his name over the loudspeaker. I was a very proud mommy!

I am on a new mission- to lose weight! I have got to do it. I have been saying it for years, and this time I think I might actually stick with it. I have been running on the treadmill everyday, and even though I am sore, I can already tell that it is worth it. Not just with the weight, but my energy level as well. I am hoping to lose 25lbs by June..Not impossible right?! :) Any tips would be greatly appreciated! I am exercising, trying to make better food decisions, and drinking lots of water- Anything else?

Well, it's Friday afternoon and the kids will be here in 3 hours- I need to take advantage of this time to get some things done around the house. We have a full weekend ahead of us- Jason and I are planning to go to dinner tonight, tomorrow we have Soccer registration and a birthday party. Then tomorrow night we are having some neighbors over for dinner. Hopefully Sunday will be a "chill" day where we can do Church and then come home and just hang out. We'll see. Hope everyone has a great weekend!